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White Abstract

Celina Lee


Special Counsel 

Property acquisition, development and disposal 
Leasing - commercial & retail 
Mortgagee in possession 
Easement acquisition 
Property development & construction 

Education & Qualifications
Master of Laws, University of Sydney

B.Commerce  &  B.Laws, University of NSW
Accredited Specialist for Property Law
Notary Public of NSW 
Solicitor, Supreme Court of NSW 


Celina is a highly skilled lawyer with over 16 years extensive experience in property and corporate/commercial law, acting for large national/multinational companies, government authorities, statutory authorities, leading industry sector companies and high net worth individuals.

Celina joined Wentworth Lawyers & Partners as an executive lawyer in 2013 and is now an executive lawyer of Wentworth Law Group. Prior to joining, she worked at various law firms, including at mid-tier law firm over 5 years. Celina’s mix of property and corporate/commercial skills have provided her clients with a high quality service on property transactions which often require in depth knowledge in corporate/commercial law.

She is fluent in both English and Korean.

Celina has been involved in all aspects of property related transactions and her experience spans from engaging in simple property transactions to complex property documentation with particular emphasis on:


  • acquisition and disposal of real estates (including retail, commercial, rural land and industrial buildings);

  • property developments and sale of properties “off the plan”;

  • subdivisions and strata conversions including the drafting of Section 88B instruments creating easements, rights of way and other proprietary rights and strata by-laws;

  • advising on commercial and property transactions including due diligence;

  • mortgagee in possession;

  • acting for landlords and tenants of both retail and commercial leasing;

  • negotiating and drafting various commercial joint venture agreements, distribution agreements and shareholders agreements;

  • franchising agreements;

  • sale of business agreements;

  • financing of property acquisitions;

  • other general commercial transactions.

Some of Celina’s experience includes:

  • acting for landlords at various shopping centres on major leasing transactions;

  • acting for mortgagee in possession for ASX listed financiers and public company selling rural farm land and various commercial/industrial buildings;

  • due diligence required for real estates acquisitions, IPO of company and company restructures for more than $30 million;

  • acting for Statutory Authority associated with supply of water in disposing, lodging plan of acquisitions, acquiring properties under Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 and involving s88B Instrument for acquisition/release/amalgamation of easements;

  • acting for Statutory Authority associated with supply of electricity for acquisition of easements, providing advice as to means of acquisition involving compensation under Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 and preparing the relevant Deeds, Tripartite Agreements and other documentation;

  • negotiating contracts for the acquisition, sale, leasing and licensing of property assets for governmental and semi-governmental authorities, institutions and high net worth individuals;

  • acting for a number of the world’s leading international mobile telecommunication corporations and other major retail companies involving commercial/retail leasing of major retail shopping centres throughout nationwide in Australia;

  • acting for major car parking company involving assignment of leases and leasing of car parks from various owners and subleasing to government/semi-government authorities throughout nationwide in Australia;

  • acting for various applications involving Liquor licence;

  • acting for not-for-profit organisations;

  • drafting various commercial agreements including shareholders agreement, joint venture agreement, agency/distributorship agreement, franchise agreement, manufacture/supply agreement, confidentiality agreement, loan agreement, deed of release, guarantee & indemnity agreement and licence agreement; and 

  • drafting publishing agreement involving a prominent publishing company.

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