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Intellectual Property in Australia

Protect your IP for formulating strategic value for your intellectual property 

澳大利亚知识产权局( 是您在澳大利亚知识产权法实践方面旅程的起点。 






它用于将您的商品和服务与其他企业的商品和服务区分开来。商标是有价值的营销工具,可以为您的客户识别产品和服务的贸易来源。它不仅可以包括品牌、标语、短语,还可以包括形状、声音、气味、颜色和动作,只要它对您的企业而言是独一无二的。您可以在不注册的情况下生产商标,但它没有注册的知识产权保护。要注册商标,您必须提供您的所有权详细信息、商标的表示、商品和/或服务的描述、相关商品和/或服务类别的列表以及翻译(如果任何部分为其他语言) .










  1. 您可以写信给使用您IP的一方,告诉他们不要再使用它。 

  2. 如果没有针对侵权采取任何行动,您可以向法院提起法律诉讼,可以代表您寻求多种补救措施。

  3. 补救措施包括临时禁令、初步发现和 Anton Pillar 命令。在稍后阶段,法院可能会奖励胜诉方损害赔偿金、使用所有者的知识产权、侵权商品的利润账户和/或永久禁令,以保护知识产权所有者的利益。

Why Register Intellectual Property (IP)? 


  1. Protect your ideas, products, or services from being copied or used by others without your permission.

  2. Enjoy your exclusive rights to use, sell, or license your IP in the market and add value to your business.

  3. Protects your brand identity and reputation from being copied or damaged by competitors or counterfeiters.

  4. Adds value to your business and can be a source of income.  

Increase the value of your business

Register and protect your IP for formulating strategic value for your intellectual property 

Wentworth Lawyers & Partners 

In Australia, intellectual property (IP) rights are protected by federal legislation and common law.

The law regarding IP rights is prescribed by the law listed and WLP advises on the following law and provides the best strategic solutions for any issue on your IP value.

  1. Trade Marks Act 1995 

  2. Trade Marks Regulations 1995

  3. Patents Act 1990

  4. Patents Regulations 1991

  5. Designs Act 2003 

  6. Designs Regulations 2004

  7. Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994

  8. Plant Breeder's Rights Regulations 1994

  9. Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987

  10. Olympic Insignia Protection Regulations 1993

We are committed to providing personalized,
high-quality services to our clients.  We focus on your business goals and develop strategies to protect your intellectual property.

Address:  Wynyard & Martin Place Station
Level 10, 20 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

T:  1300 140  291 / 1300 577 502 /


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