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Legal framework for Taxation in Australia 

The tax system In Australia involves both federal and state levels of government.

  1. Federal Tax (Commonwealth Tax):

  2. State Tax:

  3. Local Councils:

Major taxes in Australia


  1. Income Tax:

    • Personal Income Tax: Imposed on individuals based on their earnings. It is the most significant source of revenue in Australia.

    • Corporate Income Tax: Levied on companies and other business entities.

    • Capital Gains Tax: Applied to gains from the sale of assets like property, shares, or businesses.

  2. Goods and Services Tax (GST):

    • A federal consumption tax on most goods and services at a rate of 10%.

    • Collected by businesses and remitted to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

  3. Stamp Duty or Transfer Duty:

    • A one-time tax on property purchases.

    • Calculated based on the property value and varies across states and territories.

  4. Excise Duties:

    • Levied on specific goods such as fuel, alcohol (excluding wine), and tobacco products.

    • Collected by the federal government.

  5. Customs Duties:

    • Taxes on imported goods.

    • Administered by the federal government.

  6. Other Taxes:

    • Land Tax: Imposed by states and territories on the unimproved value of land.

    • Property Tax (Council Rates): Levied by local government authorities to fund services and infrastructure.

    • Luxury Car Tax and Wine Equalisation Tax are smaller indirect taxes.

Principal tax legistrations

  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

  • Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

  • Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997

  • Tax Administration Act 1953

  • International Tax Agreements Act 1953

  • Australian tax treaties

  • Fringe benefits Tax assessment Act 1986

  • Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act 1997

  • Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992

  • A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

Tax System in Austraia 

Australia’s tax system is progressive. the more income earns, the higher the tax rate pays.


Here are the key points about the Australian tax system:

  1. Tax-Free Threshold: You can earn up to $18,200 in a financial year without paying any tax. This amount is known as the tax-free threshold. Beyond this threshold, the tax rates apply.

  2. Tax Rates for Australian Residents (2023–24):

    • 0 – $18,200: No tax.

    • $18,201 – $45,000: 19 cents for each dollar over $18,200.

    • $45,001 – $120,000: $5,092 plus 32.5 cents for each dollar over $45,000.

    • $120,001 – $180,000: $29,467 plus 37 cents for each dollar over $120,000.

    • $180,001 and over: $51,667 plus 45 cents for each dollar over $180,000.

    • These rates do not include the Medicare levy of 2%.

  3. Simple Tax Calculator: You can use the Simple tax calculator to determine the tax you owe based on your taxable income for the full year.

key tax compliance requirements for businesses in Australia:

  1. Australian Business Number (ABN):

    • All businesses operating in Australia need to register for an ABN.

    • An ABN is a unique identifier that helps the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) identify your business.

    • It is essential for various business transactions and interactions with government agencies.

  2. Goods and Services Tax (GST):

    • If your business has an annual turnover above a certain threshold (currently $75,000), you must register for GST.

    • GST is a 10% consumption tax on most goods and services.

    • Businesses collect GST on sales and remit it to the ATO.

  3. Tax File Number (TFN):

    • Businesses need a TFN for tax reporting purposes.

    • It is used to lodge tax returns and other tax-related documents.

  4. Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding:

    • If your business has employees, you must withhold tax from their wages and remit it to the ATO.

    • PAYG ensures timely payment of income tax by employees.

  5. Record Keeping:

    • Maintain accurate and complete records of financial transactions, income, expenses, and tax-related documents.

    • Proper record-keeping is crucial for meeting compliance obligations and facilitating tax reporting.

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Tax dispute 

Income tax
land tax
foreign income tax
stamp duty exemptions


Address: Wynyard / Martin Place

Level 10, 20 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000

T: 1300 140 291 / 1300 577 502 /

Tax dispute legal team for ADR 

Tax dispute legal team for ADR 

Address: Wynyard / Martin Place

Level 10, 20 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000

T: 1300 140 291 / 1300 577 502 /

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